Pls i will like to reach you personally through email, skype or any convenient with youso i can share my personal IT challenges i face with you. Thanks a lot MD Wasil Ansari for this piece of knowledge, we really appreciate it. For some reason when i try to run or open the.Īll virus works But you have to very careful for doing the 10 no. Or i can just do it without batch scripting. We need to learn new things from these blog.

Hello Bro, i am having some problem in the antivirus disabler script, it is not working for me, btw all other are working fine, thanks for posting. Hi sir, I have a problem, on how to get back my Internet connection which was disabled using the batch file in disabling it completely…. I am ios app developer and 4 years experience, but i interest from hacking concept, please help me. Hi, I need android or iphone fully crash virus, can you please post any code for me. This will helps in convincing your victim to open the file. Hence, your Batch file will be converted into a Windows Application. Warning: Do not try this on your daily working PC. First of all, you need a Windows PC, obviously. I am nowhere responsible for any kind of damage caused by this tutorial, for more info read our disclaimer. No need to worry, here is a complete tutorial to let you know how to create simple but dangerous Notepad Virus step by step with an explanation! NOTE: This post is solely and mainly for educational purpose only.